John 4:23-24- But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.(KJV)
Having established that all things that we do as believers should be worship to God, let’s take a closer look at the concept of worship (via songs) from the basis of one of the most profound scriptures on this subject.

Firstly, these are the words of Jesus hence; they should be taken with utmost priority. He gave a clear –cut instruction on what He regards as worship. His emphasis was not on skills, nor on location (as a matter of fact he debunked the lie that worship should be limited within the walls of a church), nor on tribe, nor culture nor emotions nor any parameter that we humans place priority on but His emphasis was and is on two things-…IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH…
Jesus instructed that those that worship Him must do so in Spirit and in Truth. In Spirit and in Truth to mean they must offer worship unto God as a spiritual exercise directed to God and Him alone, doing it with every sense of reverence in adoration unto Him. That we would worship God as if our whole lives depend on it, we would live our lives beyond the singing that I am sold out to Jesus, that we would go out of our way just to let those around us know that of a truth HE IS WORTHY OF LORDSHIP


Why you may ask? Simply put, God is a Spirit and its common knowledge that to please and satisfy a Spirit you have to acknowledge the Spirit as superior and do all you can to prove that point. Worship in the reality of it is of a greater advantage to the worshipper (Christians) because it is an invitation from God to believers to come up hither, a call to fellowship, a call to commune and fellowship with God and believers must be true to this calling. We must be faithful to it; it is not an occasional and seasonal thing. It’s a calling that we must live up to.
The last part of vs.24 says …for the Father seeketh such to worship him … meaning God is earnestly searching for true worshippers…LET GOD FIND YOU WORSHIPPING!!!


  1. […] Worship – an Expression of Love to God (2) (unilagfessf.wordpress.com) […]

  2. Jesus did not instructed that those that worship him must do so in Spirit and in Truth. He instructed his followers that they should worship only his Father, the Only One God. And they should do this in Spirit and in Truth.

  3. […] Worship an expression of love to God – 2 (unilagfessf.wordpress.com) In Spirit and in Truth to mean they must offer worship unto God as a spiritual exercise directed to God and Him alone, doing it with every sense of reverence in adoration unto Him. […]

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